
the two materials science analysts and semiconductor makers.

The new Spectra Ultra gives adaptability to upgrade conditions to cutting edge imaging and examination in minutes versus hours. To quick track materials explore and improve throughput, clients can now quickly change speeding up voltage with high soundness. This empowers examination of an all-encompassing scope of tests, limits bar harm and extraordinarily decreases apparatus advancement overhead. 우리카지노

Spectra Ultra incorporates another energy-dispersive X-Ray (EDX) investigation framework, the Thermo Scientific Ultra-X, with the biggest indicator territory accessible in a financially delivered (S)TEM. Joined with the new target focal point plan, the EDX indicator engineering makes it conceivable to catch X-Rays twice as quick as presently accessible business arrangements, permitting the examination of more pillar touchy materials and tests with beforehand imperceptibly low centralizations of minor components.

Spectra Ultra expands on the progressions effectively accessible in the Thermo Scientific Themis and Spectra stages, eliminating intricacy so clients can acquire quality information at high goals.

"The Spectra Ultra, arranged with Ultra-X, changes the game for the two materials science analysts and semiconductor makers. It can drastically decrease shaft harm by quickly applying diverse speeding up voltages, and clients will actually want to identify light components with even lower focus," said Rosy Lee, VP of materials science at Thermo Fisher. "Likewise, clients can rapidly picture and dissect better than ever materials at expanded goals, contrasted with other industrially accessible arrangements."

"As semiconductor producers approach the actual furthest reaches of current cycle innovations, they are steadily growing their utilization of components across the occasional table to discover arrangements that convey the force, productivity and execution needed for arising applications," said Glyn Davies, VP of semiconductor at Thermo Fisher. "The Spectra Ultra gives industry-driving (S)TEM investigation and portrayal capacities to help them in fulfilling the needs for cutting edge material arrangements." 카지노사이트

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